This is me posing with Lucie's birthday present. Serves the dual purpose of showing how big I am getting and being an interim present for Lu - the present didn't make the post in time for her birthday, so this picture was the next best thing. It's taken from a low angle so I'm really not as big as that looks.
Had a lovely afternoon tea this weekend. Cupcakes and cucumber sandwiches and the company of the lovely Paula and the lovely Katie. Went to Greenwich markets and got (almost) a house full of furniture. Julian hired a van and moved into his new office on Lonsdale Rd. He has found a holistic vet in the same street. Lucky. For a minute there I thought we wouldn't be able to find one. Got Bunny booked in for aromatherapy this week. Kidding.
With any luck our decorator will be gone in a few days max. He pisses on our bathroom floor, washes his brushes in the kitchen sink, and has stolen our broom handle. He also pushed our new bed into the wet painted bedroom wall - which happens to be the exact same colour as the bed, but that isn't the point. I would love to buy a home, but i don't think I can cope with tradespeople. At all, not for a minute. Ever.