Saturday, April 14, 2007

Easter Party Photos

Betty Jean had a wildly successful Easter Party. We organised egg decorating but Betty Jean got hungry and started crunching through the shells to get to the boiled egg. Disgusting. We ate through about 4 dozen hot cross buns (or was that just me?).

We're very excited about our trip to Positano. We're staying at a villa named Villa Eunice which I think is a good omen. It is on top of a cliff they call the pineapple. We are at the very top. Lucie has decided to come with us which is going to be amazing.

Back in Queen's Park, Vangelica has been to visit. Such laughs. What a free spirit. And smart too. Not such a common combination. I am having a little birthday party tomorrow. Julian is going to make lemon drizzle cake. I am going for my yearly dermabrasion today which I am very excited about.

Betty Jean is still not close to talking but she understands lots. She has also developed a habit of waving to all motorbike riders. She waves so much and for so long that she has them wondering if they have fathered any illegitimate babies in the area I am sure.

Here are the pics of Betty Jean's Gang. Matteo, Iona, Myrna, and Iyla.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Good news - the world won't end in mid 2008!

Pregnancy does some strange things to your anxiety levels. It makes you wonder incessantly what the future holds, and whether the world will be worth living in. The question of whether the Large Hadron Collider will bring an end to the earth or indeed the universe by creating a stable black hole or another big bang has been occupying my mind lately. Here Mike from CERN allays my fears. And well.

Hi Rebecca,

Don't worry - the end isn't nigh! On a sub-atomic scale, the energies of
our protons are pretty high, but in fact they are equivalent to the
energy of a gently moving fly. So on a cosmological scale it's pretty
small, so no chance of us ripping space-time apart.

The second argument is that the universe has some high energy particle
factories (supernova etc.). Particles from these sources (cosmic rays)
have energies a lot higher than those at the LHC, and some of them hit
the molecules of the upper atmosphere all the time, with no problems

All the best with your new baby.

Mike Lamont