Little Betty Jean

Aunt Lucie and Nana

What Betty sees

At home

Sleepy Bear (thank you Aunt Caz and Uncle Matt)

Second outing

First outing

Pensive Betty

The day before Betty Jean arrived
I promised the girls at Webber that I wouldn't go into detail about the pain. So I'll just say that it was excruciating. Labour took about 20 hours, but it's amazing how once they put that baby into your arms, all is forgotten. It's like the pain never happened. Yoga and swimming and the horn playing were all great for preparation for labour. All of the women in my ward were cesareans except me (gas only). They were all so groggy and couldn't do a thing for themselves - including lift their own babies. I hate to show off, but I will have almost no recovery time and little Betty came into the world completely alert and fixated on me and Julian.
The midwives at St Mary's were amazing.
Betty's home now and the incredible amount of natural drugs going through my body is starting to disappear. I feel like crying just to think of her growing up! It's doesn't help that she is gorgeous and I don't want her to change one bit.
Julian and I are coping well. Betty Jean is eating and drinking well, thanks to Uncle Micah and Aunt Lea's blanket, she is now sleeping in her own bed occasionally. Julian is incredible with her. They had about 45 minutes to chat alone after she was born and I think Betty will always remember it. This weblog could get really boring from now on, as I go on and on in detail about every little snuffle she makes. Oh well, it is my weblog.
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