This is the first installment of our holiday pictutres. We escaped to Hyams beach - yes there really were kangaroos on Pebbly Beach and Murray's Beach. Betty Jean went swimming in the ocean for the first time. We also went to Braidwood which was gorgeous. I have been lomo-ing again and as much as it hurts to pay for a dinosaur, I am going to buy a cheap flatbed so I can post my lomos and revive my lomo-home.
Some of the pics are of Lake George. We made a trip to Canberra where we were told we did not have enough joint bills to be common law partners! Julian lost his mind and I think the burocrat behind the desk felt sorry for me and BJ, so in the end they took pity on us and we are now all together on Julian's visa.
There's much more news than this, but I am posting during BJ's super-brief nap time so it's going to come in snippets.
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