BJ's first drawing. She tells me it is an illustration
from The Man from Snowy River. My
birthday card.

Mother's Day. My first.

Julian's potmaker made these pots. Well,
we made these pots. Of these maybe
50% of these seedlings will make it.

We have so many creatures on our garden.
We have cutesie little birds and bumble bees
and ladybugs and a frog that eats Julian's seedlings.

Our garden furniture from Park Royal
Salvage. It didn't fit through our rabbit
warren house, so we had to get Old Ken and
Old Langley to knock down our neighbours fence
and sneakily put it back up when we were done.

England? You gotta be kidding! We just
bought a water butt. Everyone should have
one - it should be law.

Getting super domestic. This is Lucie's
never-fail omlet recipe. Speaking of Omlets,
I want an outrageously priced henhouse. Have
a look at these Eglu's

Our back room has turned into a shed.
We have seedlings, dirt, a P22 scrim, coal.
You don't want to know.
This kind of summarises May. It's been a busy month on the home front. There have been some glorious days spent drinking wine at Queen's Park and Hampstead Heath. I think the daytime alcohol is a sign that I need some more adult company and interests. I am trying to negotiate a baby swap with the Yoga mums so I can go to Bikram. I have started shooting too. Very commercial. Lifestyle. Might have a meeting with a stylist next week to talk about doing some stuff together. Who would have thought that having a baby would have brought that kind of opportunity? Not me!
Julian is becoming Peter Cundall. He keeps saying "marvelous" and doddering around the garden. I have to keep a close eye on him as a couple of times I have caught him digging up the lawn to make way for another veggie bed.
BJ is eating mush now which is great for me. She has been yelling less. We went to ELC and bought the whole store - now she has toy overload. We are buying her gifts to make up for not having telly. She got an inordinate amount of pleasure from watching Rocky 4 with Micah and Lea last weekend. Poor deprived thing.
Julian is becoming Peter Cundall. He keeps saying "marvelous" and doddering around the garden. I have to keep a close eye on him as a couple of times I have caught him digging up the lawn to make way for another veggie bed.
BJ is eating mush now which is great for me. She has been yelling less. We went to ELC and bought the whole store - now she has toy overload. We are buying her gifts to make up for not having telly. She got an inordinate amount of pleasure from watching Rocky 4 with Micah and Lea last weekend. Poor deprived thing.
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