We went on a holiday to Brighton. People are always talking about how second rate it is as a holiday destination, but I LOVED it! There is so much there, and it is so well set up for tourists. Not in a bad way - very un-English in that there is lots of fresh, yummy, contemporary food, and the high street is full of the usual suspects, but not ONLY the usual suspects. Very refreshing. Brighton is extremely gay. I had no idea. Thankfully in Brighton that means good interior decoration, gorgeous looking independent shops, and non-stodgy food. It's definitely not 'The Courthouse' by the seaside. They say Brighton is England's San Francisco.
The Royal Pavilion is an amazing experience. I have never seen folly on this scale. A Chinese Style Palace with a Taj Mahal exterior. Much more fun than Windsor Castle - so much more frivolous (well, Windsor Castle is not frivolous at all).

The old Brighton Pier which burned down.

England's Gold Coast.

Queen's Park snowman.

Pigs in space.

Love the dutch tilt.

My how our standards have dropped
since we had Betty Jean. We would
have run a mile from a place like this
before we had her! Plastic tablecloths,
kids everywhere, and all the food served is yellow.

Mmm - Plate-O-Grease.

The Pavilion from the outside.