These are the cactuses we got for free from Sony. There are 20 cacti all together. Every plant except one we have gotten for free from shoots. There are now around 30 plants in our house. We may have to move.
This is our attempt at Donna Hay photography. We used some lovely grey window light and some stylish 80s kitchen tiles to set off these red wine poached pears. I have been cooking constantly since I found this vegan food website. It isn't nearly as grim as it sounds. Think vodka and tomato spaghetti and really amazing salads (what else do vegans have?!!)
This is our new lomo wall. It is from winter when Lucie was here. We were doing all the touristy stuff, even staying at the Columbia Hotel - and endless source of road trip artsy fartsy shots.
These last two shots illustrate the frustration of living in London. In Summer, the Winter seems worthwhile. In Winter, all seems futile and you wonder how you can possibly go on. You would slit your wrists if you could get through the 4 layers of clothing covering them.
Anyway, off for a lovely weekend feeding the cows apples and giving them massages.
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