She's such a darling, I wish I had a picture of those cute little eyes..It's so important to have real friends. We talked about non-habitual psychotherapy, babies, and life back in Newcastle. Lovely evening at the Mac Bar.
Friday started the way it usually does when we travel - with Julian yelling at me for plucking my eyebrows while I should be packing, and me getting misty and stressed. Luckily I didn't get too worked up, bought some Nytol and some Rescue Remedy , which, by the way is amazing. Look at me, totally relaxed about my appearance - obviously - so relaxed I ate ham.
La Speza was a bit disappointing at first. The outskirts were really depressing, but hidden inside were amazing markets, tiny winding alleys, and thousands of chattering Italians. Well, they don't really chatter so much as, well, I don't know what the word for chattering is in Italian. But thankfully, Mrs Pigliacampo, if you're reading this you'd be proud, I remembered all of my high school Italian..This is a picture of Julian's favourite "segna". Neither of us know whatg it says. Maybe it says "Bad Ties."
And here is a picture of the nice man who works in the store:
Here are some other pretty shots of the place, Like I said, it really grew on me - not too full of tourists. Julian as usual, enjoyed a spot of family-stalking.
Next we drove to Florence. I can barely remember the drive, but I do remember arriving and getting stuck in throngs of people. If you've never seen a throng, go to an Italian city in Easter - thousands of people, and nothing open, just bodies wandering the streets. Happy bodies though.
Micah took extra care to make his list thorough and entertaining. It was on very cool Fallon letterhead..pity I didn't photograph it, but we decided to let the rain, olive oil and dog wee (or something like) do its work on it after spending 2 days in the Florentine rain looking for places that were
a. Catholic
b. No longer there
c. Too cool to actually let us in
We did however eat some of the best Gelato in Florence, but were searching for it so long that we didn't get to try any other Gelato for a comparison. The tubs pictured are feeling and looking vicariously sad.
I didn't pack any clothes, so I considered mugging this woman for her fabulous top. Instead we took her picture and I bought a Firenze T-Shirt. I know it's difficult to believe that someone doesn't pack a thing, but all I can think about when I travel is flying. I even had to buy underpants in Italy - you don't want to know what they look like, except to say that if anyone knows Danie Sprague...
This is starting to sound really whiny, so I will leave you with some gorgeous photos and some arty stuff Julian did. I have come back to work today, which has been quite stressful and scheisse, but feel like I have been laying on a beach for 3 days..Now I remember why I moved here.
The Arno
Creepy Toys
Wish this was my house..
It really is that beautiful
On the way home, Julian begged me to take this!
Julian gets arty.
More later I'm sure.
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